I am European

Why ?

Because they support regions, small and middle companies all around Europe.

And pay attention: There are about 290.000 Projects overall.

[Juncker-Plan und Investitionsoffensive.  from: DER SPIEGEL 3/2017 Seite 60ff]

More than 100.000 jobs have been created by sponsored ESF loans from 100 Euros for a little hairdressers shop up to 250.000 for a middle software company.

In Saxonia a county of Germany where they are not at all fond of Europe. However there are 5753 Projects sponsered by ESF. In the year 2010 thre were 53% pro european and they believed, there are more advantages beein IN the EU than not. Nowadays it dropped down to 33%. I really wonder why.

There must be psychic inhibitions to accept money from the EU. Are they afraid of beeing overruled by the EU administration?

In Munich there are projects in the tenth of a million from „BIWAQ“ for suburb town quarters, „guide“ for startups specially for women or for the jobless consults.

Europe is not taking place in Brussels or Strassbourg, however in Munich, Berlin, and in thousands of places of Europe.


A warm welcome for Martin Schulz the comming chancellor.

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